Friday, December 18, 2020

First Post, YIKES!

What am I getting myself into? Honestly, I'm not sure just yet. I have so much to say but no real idea on how to do that just yet. Currently I am writing the first words that come to mind. I figure I should introduce myself. I'm Cassandra! I'm 33 years old and have been married to my wonderful husband, Eric, since 2014. We have one handsome little man named Shane that will be five on Christmas Eve. 

What else is there to tell? Well, it'll come up while I discuss my life so I might as well throw it out there. I have bipolar disorder and Crohn's disease. I am a big advocate of both, I don't like stigmas, and work very hard to end them. Other than that, I'd say I'm pretty healthy. This blog will cover all aspects of my life and I must say, it's a pretty interesting life, all things considered. I'm also a lover of all things Disney. If I could live at Walt Disney World (without being a millionaire), I would do it. The other part of my blog name is deadlifts because I have a new love of working out. I'm on a bit of a weight loss journey (more about that later) and it has really helped me stay focused.

If you've read this far, great! That means I don't completely suck at talking about myself. You might even come back and read more about me at a later date. That would be pretty awesome. 

First Post, YIKES!

What am I getting myself into? Honestly, I'm not sure just yet. I have so much to say but no real idea on how to do that just yet. Curre...